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Making the most of data: Why businesses should use data analytics to unlock understanding

However, most of the time, that datas potential lies dormant. It remains locked up, unexplored, and in some cases, misunderstood. In a world where data sources are growing, businesses need to ensure theyve got the tools in place to drive understanding and meaningful insights on a daily basis. Thats why data analytics should be a companys best friend.

Lets get visual

We engage most effectively with visual materials, and data is no exception.

Research into learning methods has actually revealed that 65 per cent of the population are in fact visual learners. Businesses should tune into this and focus on empowering everyday workers to easily engage with data through a data visualisation that will help them ask more probing questions, discover new ways to solve problems, and actually get them excited about the work they are doing since it appeals to their more innate way of learning.

Rows and rows of data are difficult to work with and frankly, hard to make sense of. And you shouldnt have to work this way because other solutions are out there.

Todays data visualisation solutions are easier to use and more engaging than ever and are forever changing the workplace. Such solutions are getting quicker and more advanced, enabling businesses to drive deeper insights and make faster, more-informed decisions.

Take the lead from Leicestershire

Leicestershire County Council (LCC) is a model example of an organisation making the most of its data. LCC is delving deep into its data pool right across the organisation in order to better understand what is working efficiently and what isnt, whether thats determining how to distribute books between libraries to meet demand or to work out optimum timings for delivering social care. The end goal is improved service quality throughout the organisation.

Within their work, there is no need for expert knowledge in multiple subjects only the data. Imagine a graph you can play and interact with instead of simply looking at it. you’re able to drag and drop new data, adding more useful insights and taking out unnecessary information. This is exactly what visual analytics lets you do.

Businesses can follow the example of LCC to develop more informed, quick decisions and effective strategies. Data visualisation which turns raw data into interactive, informative visuals allows people to discover insights as quickly as they can ask the questions, giving them the flexibility and choice to explore their data. Fast, visual analytics like this helps people to instantly see and understand trends, which is vital for the growth and development of a business.

Read about the big data debate:

Dive in, discover and deliver

Stories with a narrative and emotion are what resonate, and this even translates to data.

Visualising information helps organisations to dive deeper into the heart of the story to find out what the data is telling them, and uncover where it’s leading. Gone are the days of laborious meetings with static pie charts that lack insights. The next generation of technology is fast, dynamic, and allows us to explore data in real-time.

All organisations should foster a data-driven culture to unlock key insights and drive day to day conversations. Imagine what meetings would look like if they were all data driven Imagine how conversations could change when data is at the heart of them

This is the future of business – a world of interaction, exploration and better decision making.

James Eiloart is VP for EMEA at Tableau.



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