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Telling the truth about SME life today

Here are the reasons your staff might hate you

There are numerous reasons why employees leave a company, but recent research has suggested it may be because staff hate you, the employer. It plays on the notion that people don’t leave companies they leave leaders.

An article by Greg Savage in the Huffington Post gave opinion onthe matter, suggesting that he had employed thousands “and every time one resigned, a little part of me died. But I grew wiser as the years rolled by.”

Money, he said, was?rarely the sole motivator for a change in job, adding: “They almost never resign on a whim or in a fit of anger. They joined your company because they believed it right for them.

“Something, at some point, makes it wrong. And if you really take the time to dig into their real reasons for leaving you will find it’s not ‘the company’ they blame. It’s not the location, or the team, or the database or the air-conditioning.”

Sometimes, unfortunately, it’s because they hate you or something you’ve done. More often than not, it’s down to a lack of motivation and direction. Every so often it’s because of bad breath or for never turning up (more on that later). Either way, such thoughts do?no favours for your company.

Indeed, the University of California reported that motivated staff were 31?per cent more productive and tended to be three times more creative. Corporate Leadership Council research even claimed engaged staff?were 87?per cent less likely to quit,?while Gallup maintained 70 per cent of work motivation came from managers.

The same company explained 50 per cent left because they hate you?” the boss. In fact, it’s said to be the number one reason why UK staff hand in their resignations, with 10.3m workers currently contemplating doing exactly that.

Crunch Accounting was to thank for the findings, which?surveyed 1,000 employees to find out which leadership habitsirritated them to no end. Here are the top 14:

Lack of direction 32 per cent
Being indecisive 21 per cent
Never giving praise 21 per cent
“Micro-managing 20 per cent
Never giving you a pay rise or bonus 17 per cent
?Shouting at you 17 per cent
“Clearly favours other colleagues 15 per cent
?Undermines your work 14 per cent
“Throws you under the bus to protect themselves 12 per cent
“Is overpaid 12 per cent
Lazy 11 per cent
Never turning up ten per cent
Bad breath six per cent
“Tries to be your friend instead of your boss four per cent

Of the research, Darren Fell, CEO at Crunch Accounting, said: ?Strong leadership plays a large role in retaining quality staff, with employees ranking it as more impactful to their workplace happiness than pay and stress.

“But bad bosses are clearly affecting productivity and wellbeing across the UK, and many are looking to escape an unhappy work situation.


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