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Telling the truth about SME life today

Entrepreneurs in the Big Brother house

The young whippersnapper, known only so far as Liam, is 19 years old and comes from Liverpool. On the Channel 4 website, he claims to have started his own business at the age of eight and to currently employ 12 people at his web design business.

Whether he starts trying to flog his housemates remains to be seen.

Liam’s involvement made me wonder about which entrepreneurs I’d most like to see confined in the Big Brother house for weeks on end. Here are my first thoughts:

• Michael O’Leary, chief executive of RyanAir. At least it would keep him out of the real world for a while. And wouldn’t it be fun guessing how long before a fellow housemate took a pop at him?

• Sir Alan Sugar. Ditto.

• Shacked up with O’Leary – anyone who actually appears to like their customers.

• Stelios and Barbara Cassani. After hijacking the first flight of Go! and going on to acquire BA’s old budget airline, sparks could fly here.

• Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Macman vs the evil Microsoft. All those old arguments about which is best could be debated for weeks on end. Give us your selections.


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